Monday, October 24, 2011

David Bruce Hughes/'Gaurahari Babaji' - Sahajiya SexCult Guru Exposed--Illuminati?

For years David Bruce Hughes "Bhaktisiddhartha Gaurahari Dasanudas Babaji" has run a sophisticated online preaching operation, attracting hundreds of followers, in the name of Srila Prabhupad and orthodox Rupanuga Gaudiya Vaishnavism. All that fell apart this week when horrifyingly, contminatingly, degraded pictures emerged of him on youtube, engaged in unspeakable sexual/fetish practices with his disciples, which he calls as 'bhava bhakti."

How did it come to this, and why? First, let us analyze two key claims DBH has made in his preaching over the years to make sense of this.

1.) He has secret information from Srila Prabhupad via his sister Pishima from November '77 about the 'Illuminati' being involved in poisoning him, and thus he is the true resistance to the illuminati, as ISKCON has failed.
2.) He was in someway the main assistant to Srila Prabhupad in translating Chaitanya Charitamrita.

Both of these claims are highly dubious and deserve scrutiny. But lets look at some interesting points:

1.) Illuminati researchers have noticed the importance of the the triangle as symbolic of an illuminati organization. DBH's EsotericTeaching site prominently uses a Pyramid in its logo and as a watermark for its youtube videos.
2.) DBH claims to be the sole resistance to the Illuminati - considering their usage of deception/double-speak/false-flag this is a strong supporting evidence that he himself is the illuminati.
3.) The bdsm footage has a strong resemblance to MKUltra sex-trauma based mind control programming - sexual degradation is often used. No doubt his program has been setup to program candidates for mindcontrol, another illuminati activity.
4.) DBH claims to have always been open about his sahajiya leanings, yet has gone out of his way to emphasize Prabhupad and claim to be following him, so this is highly problematic:
5.) University of Chicago, an elite institutioned owned and funded by the Illuminati Rockerfeller family who many believe are the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank has funded Gaudiya Vaishnav studies via Edward Dimock and his disciples, who claim that Chaitanya Charitamrita is a sahajiya text ,and that Chaitanya and the Goswamis are also Sahajiya...and DBH coincedentally claims to be Prabhupad's endorsed translator of CC while practicing a sahajiya gay sex cult in Prabhupad's name while coincedentally the illuminati owned and funded university is also promoting that CC is a sahajiya text?

Clearly DBH is tied to Illuminati or other dark forces and is deliberately aligning with their strategy of discrediting authentic Gaudiya Vaishnavism by deliberately infiltrating Sahajiya (a form of Mayavad) philosophy and practices in a way that contaminates our movement, the sampradaya itself, and Prabhupad specifically, at least in the wider public awareness, via the internet.


  1. Thanks for this information.
    I just found today the books from him on the internet. Now I have seen his defending Video.

    It's just unbelievable ....

    ys Gaurahari dasa - Switzerland

  2. wild... sad and unbelievable, pray for him to be relieved of his demons and find his true faith again, I know it's not rly our point, but "love the sinner, hate the sin"

    With Perfect Love, Hare Krishna!!!
