In the ancient Hindu Dharma text Srimad Bhagavatam, social vices are attributed to the causes of conflict and chaos in this age of human history. The Vices specified were: Cow-Slaughter, Intoxication, Prostitution, Gambling, and Hoarding of Gold.
In Australia today, all of those vices dominate the headlines:
A 14yr old Australian boy is arrested in Bali, Indonesia facing a 6yr jail sentence for buying $20 worth of Cannabis, as the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister tussle to appear most helpful to him in public eye. Meanwhile Australia maintains a prohibition on cannabis even for medical use, despite increasing evidence of its efficacy in many ailments, and as millions die from health issues arising from legal drugs Alcohol & Tobbaco.
Legal Sydney & Melbourne Brothels come under fire for participating in illegal human trafficking and deceptive student-visa rackets, this on the heels of the MP Craig Thomson's escort scandal.
Independent MP Andrew Wilkie's pokie reform legislation threatens to stall in parliament, as PM Gillard's Minority Govt. faces stiff opposition pressure over asylum-seeker legislation. Meanwhile NineNews journalists reveal they made statements opposing pokie-reform at behest of Ninebosses in alignment with the clubs who profit immensely from problem gamblers. Pre-commitment legislation is intended to reduce problem gambling. In defense, the clubs claim that proceeds are used to benefit charitable initiatives. Taking from the problem-gamblers and giving to the poor?
Suspension of live-cattle exports to Indonesia due to woeful animal cruelty led to decrease in beef consumption in Australia, once the horror of cow-slaughter was revealed on national news.
The Australian dollar continues to rise and fall on the basis of global trends, despite Australia being a large gold mining and exporting nation.
Here at BalaBlog we feel Australian governance into the future is best served by policy changes to control these negative outcomes
1.) Legalization of Recreational/Religious/Medical Cannabis for 18yr, just like Alcohol and Tobbaco. this will save millions of law enforcement budgets and time, and can be spent on combatting the social effects of alcoholism which leads to ever increasing violence at clubs, pubs, and homes around Australia..
2.) Introduction of AHIMSA (Non-Violence) Beef & Leather Production - natural death beef & leather - no slaughter. Saves money (beef steer are fattened on expensive grain stocks for short-life-cycle slaughter patterns). Consolidating Dairy/Beef into one industry, Dairy Cows, will enable long-life-cycle production, and natural death. Huge australian export industry potential for INDIA _Ghee (butter) exports, much bigger than beef. Time to switch our focus.
3.) Pokie Reforms - ram it through, damn the clubs and all...onya Wilkie
4.) Prostitution - ease licensing regime to ensure incentive for legality, and from licensing fee add enforcement/investigation to ensure human trafficking not practiced. The fee structure should be viable without syndicates bringing in slaves.
5.) Economy - these reforms will add millions to Australia's economy, by reducing wasted law enforcement funds, switching millions to cannabis from alcohol/tobacco will greatly reduce public medical costs from cancer, stopping the theft through gambling, and ensuring prostitution remains safe and controlled instead of overrun by syndicates. This will lead to a more stable Australian dollar, less dependent on overseas markets, as Australia will be a world-leader/innovator in progressive legislation.
Here at BalaBlog we feel Australian governance into the future is best served by policy changes to control these negative outcomes
1.) Legalization of Recreational/Religious/Medical Cannabis for 18yr, just like Alcohol and Tobbaco. this will save millions of law enforcement budgets and time, and can be spent on combatting the social effects of alcoholism which leads to ever increasing violence at clubs, pubs, and homes around Australia..
2.) Introduction of AHIMSA (Non-Violence) Beef & Leather Production - natural death beef & leather - no slaughter. Saves money (beef steer are fattened on expensive grain stocks for short-life-cycle slaughter patterns). Consolidating Dairy/Beef into one industry, Dairy Cows, will enable long-life-cycle production, and natural death. Huge australian export industry potential for INDIA _Ghee (butter) exports, much bigger than beef. Time to switch our focus.
3.) Pokie Reforms - ram it through, damn the clubs and all...onya Wilkie
4.) Prostitution - ease licensing regime to ensure incentive for legality, and from licensing fee add enforcement/investigation to ensure human trafficking not practiced. The fee structure should be viable without syndicates bringing in slaves.
5.) Economy - these reforms will add millions to Australia's economy, by reducing wasted law enforcement funds, switching millions to cannabis from alcohol/tobacco will greatly reduce public medical costs from cancer, stopping the theft through gambling, and ensuring prostitution remains safe and controlled instead of overrun by syndicates. This will lead to a more stable Australian dollar, less dependent on overseas markets, as Australia will be a world-leader/innovator in progressive legislation.
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