Monday, October 24, 2011

David Bruce Hughes/'Gaurahari Babaji' - Sahajiya SexCult Guru Exposed--Illuminati?

For years David Bruce Hughes "Bhaktisiddhartha Gaurahari Dasanudas Babaji" has run a sophisticated online preaching operation, attracting hundreds of followers, in the name of Srila Prabhupad and orthodox Rupanuga Gaudiya Vaishnavism. All that fell apart this week when horrifyingly, contminatingly, degraded pictures emerged of him on youtube, engaged in unspeakable sexual/fetish practices with his disciples, which he calls as 'bhava bhakti."

How did it come to this, and why? First, let us analyze two key claims DBH has made in his preaching over the years to make sense of this.

1.) He has secret information from Srila Prabhupad via his sister Pishima from November '77 about the 'Illuminati' being involved in poisoning him, and thus he is the true resistance to the illuminati, as ISKCON has failed.
2.) He was in someway the main assistant to Srila Prabhupad in translating Chaitanya Charitamrita.

Both of these claims are highly dubious and deserve scrutiny. But lets look at some interesting points:

1.) Illuminati researchers have noticed the importance of the the triangle as symbolic of an illuminati organization. DBH's EsotericTeaching site prominently uses a Pyramid in its logo and as a watermark for its youtube videos.
2.) DBH claims to be the sole resistance to the Illuminati - considering their usage of deception/double-speak/false-flag this is a strong supporting evidence that he himself is the illuminati.
3.) The bdsm footage has a strong resemblance to MKUltra sex-trauma based mind control programming - sexual degradation is often used. No doubt his program has been setup to program candidates for mindcontrol, another illuminati activity.
4.) DBH claims to have always been open about his sahajiya leanings, yet has gone out of his way to emphasize Prabhupad and claim to be following him, so this is highly problematic:
5.) University of Chicago, an elite institutioned owned and funded by the Illuminati Rockerfeller family who many believe are the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank has funded Gaudiya Vaishnav studies via Edward Dimock and his disciples, who claim that Chaitanya Charitamrita is a sahajiya text ,and that Chaitanya and the Goswamis are also Sahajiya...and DBH coincedentally claims to be Prabhupad's endorsed translator of CC while practicing a sahajiya gay sex cult in Prabhupad's name while coincedentally the illuminati owned and funded university is also promoting that CC is a sahajiya text?

Clearly DBH is tied to Illuminati or other dark forces and is deliberately aligning with their strategy of discrediting authentic Gaudiya Vaishnavism by deliberately infiltrating Sahajiya (a form of Mayavad) philosophy and practices in a way that contaminates our movement, the sampradaya itself, and Prabhupad specifically, at least in the wider public awareness, via the internet.

Monday, October 17, 2011

balablog editorial policy

balablog is published by an online consortium of writers
it represents the avant-garde in new media quantum integration
versed in the classics of prose and mythology
we are now accepting submissions in the fields of current commentary/analysis on global news/politics/economics/health/spirituality

commentary: ice and vice ruining paradise (hawaii-drug war failing)

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported yesterday (Sunday, Oct 16) that the illicit drug ice/metamphetamine is costing the state upward of $500 million in enforcement and related costs.

The availability and purity of street ice have increased, while the cost has gone down.  For those who don't know, "ice" is a highly addictive synthetic drug made from pharmaceutical chemicals (indirectly profited on by large multinational corporate manufacturers/patent owners) that functions as an "upper" or stimulant, which can commonly cause an increase in violence as known to any who live in Hawaii.

Buried in the story was information on how the proceeds are typically laundered: in illegal gambling dens and illegal massage parlors.

So we've got an illegal drug trade flourishing by connections with illegal gambling and prostitution, in a budget-crunched state that is spending millions to prop-up a failing live-meat slaughterhouse in kapolei.

This is an example of how current policies have failed. In classical Indian political theory, vice like prostitution, gambling, and even various drugs were legally available and protected, via zoning laws, to prevent an out of control black market like exists in Hawaii today. Due to complete illegality in the current policy, large criminal enterprises are able to operate with only the occasional law enforcement probe (that can likely be bought off if the syndicate is large enough). Observers of Hawaii's law enforcement community may recall the Internal Affairs investigation of HPD's elite Organized Crime investigative unit, whose plainclothes members were openly fraternizing with leading organized crime figures, while supposedly investigating them. Meanwhile an ethical whistleblower was sidelined.

The war on illegal gambling houses has failed! Cockfights constantly happen all over Hawaii. 

Plan/Reccomendation #1: Amend state law to legalize gambling, to increase revenue to the state of hawaii, and Re-direct law enforcement funds from Narcotic/Vice which are wasted in illegal gambling ops (while they continue to run rampant) and serve as laundering for the ice trade toward policing licensed gambling venues.

Reccomendation #2: Legalize prositution - state can raise revenue through licensure of brothels, health and legal protection to sex workers, and can prevent illicit money laundering/sex trafficking through enhanced enforcement leverage on licensed venues.

Reccomendation #3: Legalize Cannabis for recreational use - tax an raise millions for the state budget, while re-directing law enforcement resources from a relatively safe, non-addictive and non-violence causing drug with legitimate medical and spiritual uses (cannabis), toward a dangeorus, addictive, and violence causing drug (ice).

Reccomendation #4  - Cancel state funding for the Oahu Slaughterhouse - instead, reinstate Kamehameha era Kapu on cow-slaughter and focus on ahimsa-non-violent dairy production to position hawaii milk as leading product with state subsidies funded via a tax on imported beef

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Australian VICE - A commentary

In the ancient Hindu Dharma text Srimad Bhagavatam, social vices are attributed to the causes of conflict and chaos in this age of human history. The Vices specified were: Cow-Slaughter, Intoxication, Prostitution, Gambling, and Hoarding of Gold.

In Australia today, all of those vices dominate the headlines:

A 14yr old Australian boy is arrested in Bali, Indonesia facing a 6yr jail sentence for buying $20 worth of Cannabis, as the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister tussle to appear most helpful to him in public eye. Meanwhile Australia maintains a prohibition on cannabis even for medical use, despite increasing evidence of its efficacy in many ailments, and as millions die from health issues arising from legal drugs Alcohol & Tobbaco. 

Legal Sydney & Melbourne Brothels come under fire for participating in illegal human trafficking and deceptive student-visa rackets, this on the heels of the MP Craig Thomson's escort scandal.

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie's pokie reform legislation threatens to stall in parliament, as PM Gillard's Minority Govt. faces stiff opposition pressure over asylum-seeker legislation. Meanwhile NineNews journalists reveal they made statements opposing pokie-reform at behest of Ninebosses in alignment with the clubs who profit immensely from problem gamblers. Pre-commitment legislation is intended to reduce problem gambling. In defense, the clubs claim that proceeds are used to benefit charitable initiatives. Taking from the problem-gamblers and giving to the poor?

Suspension of live-cattle exports to Indonesia due to woeful animal cruelty led to decrease in beef consumption in Australia, once the horror of cow-slaughter was revealed on national news.

The Australian dollar continues to rise and fall on the basis of global trends, despite Australia being a large gold mining and exporting nation.

Here at BalaBlog we feel Australian governance into the future is best served by policy changes to control these negative outcomes

1.) Legalization of Recreational/Religious/Medical Cannabis for 18yr, just like Alcohol and Tobbaco. this will save millions of law enforcement budgets and time, and can be spent on combatting the social effects of alcoholism which leads to ever increasing violence at clubs, pubs, and homes around Australia..

2.) Introduction of AHIMSA (Non-Violence) Beef & Leather Production - natural death beef & leather - no slaughter. Saves money (beef steer are fattened on expensive grain stocks for short-life-cycle slaughter patterns). Consolidating Dairy/Beef into one industry, Dairy Cows, will enable long-life-cycle production, and natural death. Huge australian export industry potential for INDIA _Ghee (butter) exports, much bigger than beef. Time to switch our focus.

3.) Pokie Reforms - ram it through, damn the clubs and all...onya Wilkie

4.) Prostitution - ease licensing regime to ensure incentive for legality, and from licensing fee add enforcement/investigation to ensure human trafficking not practiced. The fee structure should be viable without syndicates bringing in slaves.

5.) Economy - these reforms will add millions to Australia's economy, by reducing wasted law enforcement funds, switching millions to cannabis from alcohol/tobacco will greatly reduce public medical costs from cancer, stopping the theft through gambling, and ensuring prostitution remains safe and controlled instead of overrun by syndicates. This will lead to a more stable Australian dollar, less dependent on overseas markets, as Australia will be a world-leader/innovator in progressive legislation.

I'm on Twitter

Tweeting back and forth with Australia PM Julia Gillard, and keeping tabs on the OccupyWallStreet/Oahu/Sydney/Melbourne movements. Join me!

BalaBlog NewsDigest: Hare Krsna in the News: Gandhi/Jobs/Harrison

Gandhi’s birthday last week prompts rememberance of the Bhagavat Gita, the #1 scripture of Hinduism. The famous civil disobedience leader (also in the news due to his influence on the occupywallstreet movement) was an aquaitance of ISKCON-Founder Srila Prabhupad, who taught him Bhagavat Gita As It Is in a famous letter.
Honolulu’s monthly First Friday/Chinatown event becomes important Hare Krsna-public-police love-in in contrast to block-parties elsewhere.
Hare Krsna back to #1 single? Hare Krsna has been hitting the headlines all week nationally and locally.
George Harrison biographic-documentary by Martin Scorcese prompted virtual participation in kirtan/Hare Krsna chanting to millions of American’s
Steve Job’s death brought many re-tellings of his former practice of attending the sunday feast for a free meal, prompting millions of repetitions of hare krsna by journalists, readers, and others.

OccupyWalllstreet looks like a perfect opportunity for mass nagar sankirtan prediced to bring in the golden age of the golden avatar in 2012.
As tens of millions of Americans practice Hinduism in its forms as yoga, meditation, ayurveda, indian vegetarian cusine, and hare krsna chanting, the issue of India’s relationship to America has never been so clear. Or has it? In fact, Columbus WAS looking for India, not America. Because India was the fabulous land of ancient wealth to the Europeans, Africans, and Asians, being the source of their original cultures/religions.
Last night in Honolulu’s only Hindu/Hare Krsna temple, ISKCON at 51 Coelho Way, longtime American devotee Bhayahari Collen performed a 19th century English poem by Kedaranath Datta/Bhaktivinode Thakur, in true victorian tophot and lilt. Bhaktivinode Thakur was the main inspiration to 20th Cent. Vedic Revivalist AC Bhaktivedanta Swami (Srila Prabhupad), for the Thakur’s revolutionary bridging of Indian and European cultures.
Even in Australia’s major daily newspaper, Indian religion features prominently:
New ISKCON-Honolulu temple president Govinda Datta presides over historic return to focus on Gauranga the golden avatar’s mood of unification/reconcilation of all diffeences in the acintyabhedaabheda-absolute reconcilaionat of all difference/non-difference into fully accepting prem (love).
India News: Famous bhajan-singer Jagjit Singh dies :(
gurukuli news:
Gurukuli sanyassi BV Vishnu Swami performs wedding and gives harikatha in Honolulu.
Vijay Krsna of The Kirtaniyas leads ecstatic Radha-Ramana kirtan at a transcendetnal Vaishnava festival in Russia.
The Mayapuri’s headline Kuli-Catchup in Sydney, Australia, a local get-together in furtherance of the momentum started by Kuliemala Australia 2010-2011
Vrn Parker of Vedic Empire productions, long time truth activist and cultural entertainment producer of Hawaii has recently returned from a succesful US-India tour promoting the preservation of Bharat-Mata (Mother India)’s cultural heritage.. Vrn, why do you believe America’s future lies with India. You mentioned recently how Obama gave a speech before India’s parliament and ended with “Jai Hind!”.
International Affairs:
Israel/Palestine UN Vote reveals hidden opportunity for India-Israel Relations.
Domestic Front: OccupyWallstreet heads to Honolulu ahead of APEC
Hawaii/Local News:
The honolulu youth ministry of the hare krsna population has been experiencing strong growth, prompting one research aide to comment : “possibly the fastest growing youth movement in modern honolulu”
Australia faces record public attention to its legalized gambling, prostitution, drug laws. -is this a hidden source of Australias economic ascendancy in Asia?